And other LEGO stuff.

Our Other Sites

Hey here are our other sites!

The MLNTips Market:

Description: Trade your clicks for the mods items! Helps you get through the Ranks a lot faster.

MLNTips Item Trading:

Description: One mans treasure, another mans junk! wait no... Vice Versa! but that's what the site is about!

MLNTips Contests

Description: Join Contests and have a chance to win items and MLNTips Click Points! Good luck!

MLNTips Acheivements

Description: Post your MLN Acheivements here!


0: Please no swearing, using bad words, or anything like that.

1: Don't give any of your personal information away. it's really obvious.

2: Don't be negative, rude or mean. seriously.

3:PLEASE DON'T TALK ALL IN CAPS! Even if your excited.

4: Don't do !!!!!!!!! or ????????? It's Pointless

5: Please make sense, we want to understand you.

6: Don't say "No Offense" .... it's offending.

7: NO LINKS!!! I'm only one with the Link Magic!

8: Well .... Uh ......... Have Fun?

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